The First _______ Family Christmas Pageant

Host/Hostess: Welcome to our First Annual Christmas Pageant! We are so happy to have you with us tonight to celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ! Our narrator will be reading the Christmas story for us, while talented actors and actresses portray the main characters. We are so grateful for each of you who will play a part. All of us are the choir so be sure and sing when our chorister directs you.
And now _____________ our narrator will start the story!

Narrator : reads Luke 2:1-5

(While he/she reads, Mary and Joseph enter to stage right, kneeling behind an empty manger.)

Chorister invites everyone to sing
O Little town of Bethlehem

(baby discreetly appears in the manger while people are singing)

Narrator: reads Luke 2: 8-9

(shepherds appear on stage left and stand facing left.)

Narrator: reads Luke 10-12

(one Angel shows up and stands in front of shepherds)

Narrator reads Luke 2: 13–14

(other angels show up and stand behind the first angel facing the shepherds)

Chorister invites everyone to sing
Hark, the Herald Angels sing

(Angels sing along, when the song ends the Angels leave)

Narrator: reads Luke 2:15–16

(narrator, pauses while shepherds go over to the manger scene and kneel around it)

Chorister invites everyone to sing
Silent Night.

(Shepherds leave during the second verse. King Herod shows up on stage left, sits on a throne/fancy chair)

Narrator: reads Matthew 2:1-3

(Wise Men come in from left, stand in front of Herod)

Narrator: reads Matthew 2:7–8

Narrator: reads Matthew 2:9–11

(Wise Men go to the manger and present gifts to the holy family)

Chorister invites all to sing
Joy to the World

Host/Hostess: thank you for coming! And thank you to all our lovely actors and actresses! Now__________ we’ll give us a benediction and a blessing on the refreshments. After that, please join us in the dining room for the Christmas refreshments!

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