
How this book came about.

I am a widow, living without the love of my life, and also without several of my sons. Heart-rending losses are the dark, painful side of life, yet those very hard times have also brought me some of my greatest gifts. The dark wrapping and pain are somehow balanced on the scale of life with bright gifts that are hard to explain.

They usually come about through prayer—answers may come like little bursts of clarity in a foggy or dark world; gifts like peace,hope, knowledge, even joy.
It seems like there is more of this clarity around Christmas so that’s how this book came about. I won’t tell you that the dark wrapping has not been painful or hard to figure out. However, prayer and the gifts have seen me through.
So I gathered my stories and the things I’ve noticed about Christmas, hoping to share those gifts with you in this little book.

More comfort and joy is what’s waiting for you in this book!

New Book Release

The Four Hidden Gifts of Christmas

New Book Release

The Four Hidden Gifts of Christmas

How this book came about.

I am a widow, living without the love of my life, and also without several of my sons. Heart-rending losses are the dark, painful side of life, yet those very hard times have also brought me some of my greatest gifts. The dark wrapping and pain are somehow balanced on the scale of life with bright gifts that are hard to explain.

They usually come about through prayer—answers may come like little bursts of clarity in a foggy or dark world; gifts like peace,hope, knowledge, even joy.
It seems like there is more of this clarity around Christmas so that’s how this book came about. I won’t tell you that the dark wrapping has not been painful or hard to figure out. However, prayer and the gifts have seen me through.
So I gathered my stories and the things I’ve noticed about Christmas, hoping to share those gifts with you in this little book.

More comfort and joy is what’s waiting for you in this book!

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The Four Hidden Gifts of Christmas (Ebook)

This new release is available on Kindle at Amazon, for your own pleasure or to send to friends.

The Four Hidden Gifts of Christmas

The soft-cover signed First Edition Book is available on Amazon now. It comes with a framable drawing print included.

The Four Hidden Gifts of Christmas

The signed hard-cover First Edition is a treasure for your bookcase. It comes with a painting print included and will be available by the end of December 2024.

Reflections on Christian's Song

Reflections on Christians Song was my first book, written shortly after Christian died. It has been out of stock at Amazon but arrangements are being made for restocking it soon. It was written while I was struggling with facing the holidays without Christian. It was the first time I examined Christmas so closely, finding joy even through the eyes of grief.

The Road To Success

This book is an anthology, introduced by Jack Canfield, and then containing chapters by various entrepreneurs. It is sold out now, but if you would like to get a digital copy of my chapter, I will gladly send it to you free. Just send a message to me on the Contact page
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